Luu - Favourite free-time activity
Yapeyu Sports Cup
At the beginning of that day, I arrived to the Sports Campus and I met my friends there. It was a very cold morning. We raised up the flag and opened the Yapeyu Sports Cup presenting our choreography. That wasn't a good moment because we felt very afraid of what people could say when they saw us. We were very nervous, too, because some of my friends haven't danced in front of a lot of people before. For us, it was ok. I have some bad news too: we had some mistakes and I think some people didn't like what we did because of that, but I wasn't scared of people who could laugh at us after all! We watched the other sports matches there and in the end, everybody stayed there just to know which school won a prize. Our school didn't win a lot of prizes but I had a very good time there!
Waiting four your reply.
My Favourite Free-Time Activity
My favourite activity is Netball. I have been doing this sportsince the beggining of the year. I practise this sport twice a week. And I practise it in the Sport Campus with my friends ( Iara, Emilia, Valentina, Camila, Nicole, Nicole, Ayelén, Agustina, Rocío, Jazmín, among others.) Last friday my team and me entered the Yapeyú Sports Cup. We didn´t win, but we had fun. I´ve never won a prize or a medal because I´ve been done this sport for a short time.
I enjoy a competition because we have fun and we meet and make new friends. In my opinion net-ball is a great sport. Another thing is that sport is interesting. I also believe that you have to play good and rude if you want to win. In definitly think that I´d like to play "Cesto" in this moment!
By Cristela
My favourite free-time activity-Camila
Alan's Article
I enjoy this sport because i can be active in it. In my opinion it is a fabulous sport. However, if you want to be an excelent player, you have to practise a lot of time your passes and your throws.
Yapeyu Sports Cup
At the beginning of that day, I arrived to the Sports Campus and I met my friends there. It was a very cold morning. We raised up the flag and opened the Yapeyu Sports Cup presenting our choreography. That wasn't a good moment because we felt very afraid of what people could say when they saw us. We were very nervous, too, because some of my friends haven't danced in front of a lot of people before. For us, it was ok. I have some bad news too: we had some mistakes and I think some people didn't like what we did because of that, but I wasn't scared of people who could laugh at us after all! We watched the other sports matches there and in the end, everybody stayed there just to know which school won a prize. Our school didn't win a lot of prizes but I had a very good time there!
Waiting four your reply.
An Article - My Favourite Free-Time Activity
I like it because of that two things I said before. Some people consider Aerobics like a sport which is not done in a group, but I definitely think they're wrong. In my opinion it's not too easy or difficult and it helps me a lot.
My favourite sport : Netball (Iara)
I think that the netball is a very good and fun sport, and very, very easy to learn. In my opinion you have to play this sport.
Bye Iara.
ARTICLE - All about my favourite sport (HERNÁN)
I enjoy playing basketball because I like team games and I like to run to put the ball in the net. Another thing is that this sport helps you to grow up and I like that. In my opinion this sport is the most interesting. I´m not going to change this sport for any other.
An article-Manuel
I definitely think Basketball is amazing, I like it very, very much.If I have to choose one sport, I will choose Basketball. When I started I didn’t like it very much but now I can’t stop playing!
My espirience (experience) in the copa yapeyú (Juani)
Dear Teacher:
My experience in the copa yapeyú was fantastic. I played a lot of Basketball matches, but we lose all the games; we suck, the other kids win all the matches, but however I have fun to. wen we finish the matches I went to eat in the ditribution center. i was berry hungry.
In my extra time in the copa yapeyu im go (I WENT) to see how the other games (voc) was(gr). i see (gr) rugby, futbol (sp) and basketball. Then I play (gr) other games of basket (voc) and eat (gr) somefind (sp) and i was in the campo deportivo at (FROM) 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and go (gr) to my house to see (voc) TV and sleep somefind (iw) to have strog (TO HAVE THE ENERGY) to go out with friends LATER.
My article (Juani) (Sports)
Ice Roll
Hi!, this is our recipe
hope you like it.
3 rolls.
1 kilo of ice-cream.
1 pot of dulce de leche.
mini rocklets or strawberries.
Put 2 rolls on the oven dish.
Cover the rolls with dulce de leche.
Put 1 roll on the (iw) top of the other.
Cover the cake with ice-cream.
Serve them (gr) cold with strawberries or mini rocklets
Almudena And Emilia.
Chantilly Ice-Cream By Cris and Iara
- 1 Kg Chocolate Chip and Strawberry Ice- Cream.
- 1 Pot whipped Chantilly Cream.
- 6 Strawberries.
- 2 Chocolate Bars.
- Chocochips.
- 1 Bowl.
- Chocolate Sauce.
1) Buy the ingredients.
2) Put the Ice-Cream in the bowl.
3) Cover the top with Chantilly Cream.
4) Add Chocolate Sauce.
5) Grate the Chocolate and put it on top of the Chantilly Cream.
6) Add Chocochips.
7) Chop the Strawberries and put two of them on top of the Chantilly Cream.
8) Put it in the freezer.
9) Serve it cold .
Luu, Akemi and Gregorio's recipe: 3 Ice-creams
*Americana (voc) ^ Ice-cream 1kg
*Cocoa powder 2 teaspons
*Ice-cream cones 8
1)Put the ice-cream on the cones
2) Put the cocoa powder like a circle on the ice-cream
"Cookies ice-cream"
*Americana Ice-cream 1kg
*Oreo cookies
*Ice-cream cones
1)Smash the cookies
2)Put them on the ice-cream
3)Put the ice-cream on the cones
"Palitos de la selva ice-cream"
*A bag of palitos de la selva candies
*Americana (voc) ^ ice-cream 1kg
*Ice-cream cones
1)Chop the candies
2)Put them in the ice-cream
3) Put the ice-cream on the cones
World Ice Waffles ®
NAKISHKKA by Flo & Camila
_A chocolate spongecake
_Chantilly whipped cream
_A bar of chocolate
_Dulce de leche
_Chocolate sauce
1_Make or buy a chocolate spongecake (2 lays)
2_Cut it in small squares
3_Cover the bottom lay with dulce de leche and put the other lay on top
4_Cover it with with cahntilly whipped cream
5_Add the chocolate sauce
6_Put little pieces of chocolate all over the mixture
7_Cut a strawberry in the middle and put half a strawberry on top
FRUITCKLETS by Hernán & Manuel
- 18 paper cones
- 2 packet of FRUTIGELATIN
- 1 packet of ROCKLETS
1º Open the packet of FRUTIGELATIN
2º Put them into the cone
3º Open the packet of ROCKLETS
4º Put them into the cone
5º Cover the cone with plastic
6º If you want have it cold put the cone with the ingredients in the freezer
7º Enjoy your FRUITCKLETS!
Pallea Pallea
If you delete this video you will have the curse of the Pallea and when you are sleeping a man with a saucepan in his hands is going to appear an he will kill you screaming: Pallea Pallea!!!
I love Omar!!!
Lara and Me - Alan
Lara is very cherful (sp), for me. She is the one who i call when I am bored. She is the first of all to kiss ^ or hug me, but I don't like that. A part from that, she is very funny.
However, she is very annoying. The most annoying thing about her is when we fight. I can't stand her when she is very stubborn.
We're both interested in acting. Her favourite pastime is to say silly things, She is keen on that.
But above all, she is my better (gr) cousin.
my cousin - akemi
He is very shy and stubborn but the (iw) most ^^ time he is very friendly and polite.When I have a problem with my celphone I always call him, he always help (gr) me with everything.
Federico´s hobbies are (gr) watching Naruto, Pokemón and Cahotic. We are only interesting (gr) in one thing : travel (gr) because when It´s holiday I travel to (gr) everywhere with him. Sometimes i don´t like him too mutch but ^ is my cousin.
holiday postcard

postcard and description of a person (by mauro)
I go to (gr) Antananarivo (capital of madagascar) . I'm staying in a water hotel. I'm with my friends. I go (gr) to Argentina in a month , don't worry. This hotel it's (gr) so expesive (sp), but I have money.This place is exiting (sp), but it's very cold ; I'm freezing because the hotel is under the water (in the sea). It's horrible because I eat fish everyday In the (gr) breackfast ,in the lunch, in the dinner (everyday). In (gr) the weekend I go (gr) to (iw) scoobadiving (sp) in the sea
goo bye (sp)
and the photo to go with your postcard?
description of a person:
My friend's name is Franco. I (gr)live in the same neighbourhood.
Franco is very calm, outgoing ,polite, cheerfull (sp) and very active.He is a good listener
Franco is a bit badtemper (sp) and negaty(voc)
his favourite jobby (sp) is playing football , pes 2008 and counter strike. he likes drawing, listening to music and he likes cars
Franco is complicated but I like him. He has been my friend for a long time (8 years ago (iw))
A description of a person:Nicolas
Nicolas ^good qualities: He is very cheerful and intelligent. Apart from that, He are very funny .
Nicolas ^ bad qualities, too: He is bad tempered and confident (this is not a bad quality).
Her hobbie is ^ do mini things with all kinds of materials.
Nicolas likes foootball and basquetball (sp). He like (gr) play (gr) with the computer and the play station.
Nicolas play (gr) much (gr) with me. Will play play station , computer games and football.
My opinion of Nicolas is that He are (gr) a good person, a good friend and a good brother.
Description of Santiago - Gregorio
He is the one who helps me a lot. He is cheerful and funny. We play a lot and sometimes we go to a Regatas match.
However,he could be very talkative, so sometimes, I can't do the activities at school.
We are both interested in Art and we like drawing.
Santiago is a good person and he helps me a lot.
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*Valentina, Florencia, Lucila, Camila, Iara, Juani, Cristela, Juanchi, Agustín, Hernán and Gregorio: you need to correct the mistakes on JUST US / HOLIDAY POSTCARD / DESCRIPTION OF A PERSON. You've posted everything!!!
**Alan, Manuel and Emilia you need to correct the mistakes on JUST US / HOLIDAY POSTCARD .
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***Akemi, Maite, Mauro and Almudena you need to correct the mistakes on JUST US .
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Miss Mariana
Gregorio - Holiday Postcard

I'm in the United States, in Disney. There are a lot of restaurants, games and parks. But I am not in an usual place. I am in an underwater hotel! It is expensive, but it is very beautiful. I can see fishes and whales swimming in the ocean. You can also take classes of scuba-diving. Last Saturday, I went scuba-diving with my friends and I saw a shark! When I have lunch, I eat a lot of...fish. Okay, now, at the moment I am entering Disney World. I will go to every game, except for Submarine Adventure.You know why.
See you soon,
Watimech - Alan
How r u? I'm in my own hour. can you understand me? LOL, look, I'm in Canada, in a hostel , better said, "Watch Hostel", yes, because it have (gr) got ^ form (voc) shape of a watch. It is awesome. The name of the hostel is "Watimech". When u want to see all the city, you can go to the windows and see that. If u want to enter on (iw) the room, u need a special watch that tell (gr) u a special hour that u must say to the door of the room, and there (gr) u can pass. Well, good luck!
See you soon! Alan.
Ok, I writed (gr) a lot, I think, so, Goodbye!
My holiday postcard-Manuel
Bariloche is amazing, I like the snow. Im are in (gr) ^ hotel ...underground!!, Is very very hot, her name is Underground. This hotel is very dark, so in all places have lights, my room is big and my bed very comfy. I eat all the foods... freezing!
Yesterday I went skiing, I skiing very well, too. I went to the airchear (voc).was amazing and I found (voc)... remember my friend Carlos? I found (gr) them when I going to skiing.
Tomorrow I going to climb a mountain, this mountain have one thousand meters , I doing that in the morning on the afternoon I going to buy somethings chocolates for you and for dad.
My holiday postcard-Emilia

Hi, im in a hostel under the ground! it is awesome and it has some elevators to go up. Don't worry, it isn't dirty, it's actually very clean,.It is very hot here, but it is ok. It has a big garden with four swimming pool (gr)! we've got some tours, i love this holiday, im having a lot of fun , (punctuation) yesterday we went to a museum and there were bones of dinosaurs! ^ is (gr) amazing, we went to restaurants whit (sp) sows (???), of cours (sp) always under the ground. I made (gr) a lot of friends, they are very funny, there (gr) names are Clara, Florencia, Daniela and Josefina.Ok mum, i have to go
A description of a friend- Juan - Guiseppe
Description of my brother- Valen
Marcos is very cheerful and active. He is the one who I turn to whenever I've got a problem. When I'm feeling down, he always helps me cheer up. In addition , he is a computer-freak.
He can be really stubborn. The most annoying thing about him is that he's a little bad tempered.
We're both interested in music . His favourite hobby is playing football, but I'm not too keen on that.
I like Marcos. And he's a good brother!
Description of a friend-Agustín
Agustín, this description is really short. You need to write , at least 100 words!
Holiday Postcard-Agustín
I writhe (gr) this from Madrid, Spain, it's everything find (gr / sp / wo), im staying in (gr) an (gr) "Hamaca"(voc) hammock in a park, ^ is not really comfy, there's (gr) a lot of insects in the (iw) night. Yesterday, I travel (gr) to Barcelona, that's a great place, there's a lot of good people and the city is very beautiful. I eat (gr) "Gazpacho", this is an (gr) type of soap (sp) but cold. Them (sp) I go (gr) to Madrid, and I search (voc) ^ a place to stay, then I found this park and I buy (gr) the "Hamaca" (voc) to an (gr) street seller.
See you soon
All About Luu!!- Florencia
Lucila is very calm, clever, polite and cheerful. She is a good listener too. She's the one who I turn to when I've got a problem. She also understands me. First of all, I like her because she's really funny. Apart from that, she's very nice.
She is a bit stubborn and bad tempered. However, the most annoying thing about her is that sometimes she's a negative person. I can't stand her when she won't listen to me when I try to help her.
We are both interested in talking on the phone. Her favourite hobby is playing the computer. She is keen on keeping secrets (most of the times).
I Think she's a difficult person to be with, but after all, she's very good friend.
One of my friends is Florencia. I met her at school 8 years ago.
Florencia is quite calm and shy. She's the one who listens to my stupid conversations :). She's clever, and she's also sometimes polite
Florencia is a bit bad-tempered. The most annoying thing about her is her negativity.
We are both interested in the same music. Her favourite hobbies are to dance hip hop and to sing. She's into TV programs that I not watch, but I thing that they are interesting.
We argue sometimes, but I like her anyway. :)
Lu, the description should be a bit longer than this. About 100 words.
Holiday Postcard-Florencia

My brother´s name is Kevin. He is 15 years old.
Kevin is very cheerful and he´s active and confident. First of all, he is a good person. Also, he is outgoing and he has many friends.
Kevin can be really stubborn. The most annoying thing about him is that he´s a bit bossy and he always bothers me.
He likes sports. Kevin´s favourite pastime is playing tennis, he loves tennis. I´m not too keen on that. We both talk and play computer games together, but sometimes he does not let to (iw) me use it.
I like Kevin. He´s a funny person.

"My Holidays" - (Cristela)

My Grandmother- Juanchi
She is really polite, very active, outgoing and calm. She is the one who is always happy, only in the very bad situations she is not smiling. Apart from that, she is a great person, she is always with me , when I need her. First of all,^ is a very christian person and a really good person, too.
The most annoying thing about her, is, when she says "I am Fat" and, when she is angry, she is really angry.
Her favorites hobbies are playing paddle and playing cards with her friends. I really Like her.
- Juaanchi
My Holiday- Juanchi
Im in Disney World!. It´s very, but very Funny!. The Hotel is perfect!, ^ is like a France (gr) Hotel! the food for (iw) today was delicious, and the bed are (gr) very soft and confortable (sp). The 2 park (gr) that I visit (gr), were really exciting, but the most exciting game was "Circle of Life". Tonight, I ^ going to go to "Downtown Disney". I Think that I ^ going to stay only a week more in The UNITED STATES.
Byee Mum.
Your Son, Juanchi.

My brother- Camiila
Renzo is intelligent at school, and he`s very funny.He`s good at drawing.
The most annoying thing about him is that he often bothers me. I cant`t stand him when he is very talkative, and selfish.
Renzo and I do everythings together.We ride on the bike, go to school, sometimes play, and do the homework together. Renzo`s favourite pastime is playing football, drawing, and playing with his friends.
He`s good at football, but I don`t play with him because I`am not very good at this sport.
I like Renzo.He bothers me, but it is sometimes funny to be with him.
Camii ,
-My dad´s name is Cesar Rodolfo. He´s 44 years old. We have a very good relationship.
He´s very active and sporty. He´s the one who taught me sports when I was 3 or 4 years old.
First of all, I like him because he isn´t bad-tempered. He´s always happy. In addition, he´s a very good worker, confident and outgoing. Apart from that he´s very romatic.
The bad things that he has are that he isn´t very intelligent and he´s a bit stubborn. He never changes his opinions.
We´re both interested in sports. It´s his favourite hobbie. He´s very keen on that.
I like him. He´s a very good person. I feel happy that he is my father.